10 February, 2025
How many languages are spoken in arunachal pradesh ?

How many languages are spoken in arunachal pradesh ?

How many languages are spoken in arunachal pradesh ?

Ans: The 2011 Census of India says there are 175 mother tongues in Arunachal Pradesh. But many of these are like different versions of the same languages. So, we estimate about 30 to 50 main languages.

How many languages are spoken in arunachal pradesh ?

How many languages are spoken in arunachal pradesh ?

Major Languages:

  1. Nyishi: Spoken by about 33% of the people, mainly in Papum Pare, Kurung Kumey, and Kameng districts.
  2. Adi: Spoken by around 27% of the population, especially in East Siang, Upper Siang, West Siang, and Lower Dibang Valley districts.
  3. Apatani: Spoken by about 5% of the population, mostly in the Ziro Valley of Lower Subansiri district.
  4. Tagin: Spoken by around 4% of the people, mainly in the West Kameng district.
  5. Hindi: Many people use Hindi as a common language, especially in cities and for government communication.

Language Families:

Most of the languages in Arunachal Pradesh belong to the Tibeto-Burman family. Some others, like Singpho, are part of the Kachin family, and Nocte and Wancho languages are from the Naga family.

How many languages are spoken in arunachal pradesh ?

Official Language:

For official stuff like administration and courts, English is the main language.

Regional Distribution:

Different tribes in Arunachal Pradesh have their own languages or dialects. Usually, where people live corresponds to the language they speak. But sometimes, people move around, so it mixes things up.

How many languages are spoken in arunachal pradesh ?

Further Complexity:

It’s tough to say exactly how many languages there are because not all of them are well-documented. Also, the influence of Hindi and English in schools and offices is making things a bit mixed up.


The languages in Arunachal Pradesh are always changing and evolving. This is just a general idea, and it might be a bit different in specific places and communities.

what is the official language of arunachal pradesh?

English Is the official language of Arunachal Pradesh.

Which is largest district in Arunachal Pradesh?

In Terms Of Area Dibang Valley is the largest district in Arunachal Pradesh.

Which is the most beautiful district in Arunachal Pradesh?

Tawang is the most beautiful district in Arunachal Pradesh.

how many districts are there in arunachal pradesh?

26 districts are there in arunachal pradesh.

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